Keynote talk: Spectrum challenges for 6G era - Lorenza Giupponi (Ericsson) (8 January 2025 at 16:30)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Date: 8 January 2025 at 16:30
After reviewing Rel.19 current status and future 3GPP roadmap towards 6G, we will focus on spectrum activities that have kicked off in 2024 after outcome of WRC 23. It is expected that 6G will operate in all existing 3GPP bands and in new cmWave bands, however, for this to happen, many research challenges for different bands should be solved, before new bands can be identified as IMT in WRC 27. Different open research challenges will be reviewed, together with other spectrum sharing and coexistence issues, which are already currently blocking the advancement of innovative deployments for 5G advanced network.
Lorenza Giupponi ( received her Ph.D. from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 2007. She joined CTTC in 2007 where she was a research director and a member of the executive committee during 14 years. In 2021 she joined Ericsson where she is currently a researcher and team leader supporting 3GPP standardization activities, with special focus on RAN1 and RAN4 WGs.
Course G. Professional and career development. Negotiation skills (January 2025)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
8 January 2025 (11:00 to 16:30, followed by L. Giupponi keynote)
9 January 2025 (10:30 to 18:30)
10 January 2025 (9:00 to 16:30)
11 January 2025 (11:00), teambuilding activity at Plaça del Rei, Barcelona ( Make sure to bring comfortable footwear.
Contents of the course
Part 1. Overview of the fundamental skills and tools for negotiation
1: Introduction and Objectives
2: Core Negotiation Skills
3: Cross-Cultural Negotiation
4: Identifying Areas of Opportunity (product, market, partnership,…)
5: Integrated Negotiation Simulation
Part 2. Job market and career opportunities
1: Understanding the (IT) Job Market
2: Development of Professional Competences
3: Gender Equality in the Workplace
4: Career Management and Continuous Professional Development
5: Personal Time Management
6: Networking for Career Success
7: Reputation and Esteem in the Workplace
8: How to Face a Selection Process
9: CV Writing and LinkedIn
11: Job Descriptions and Skill Matrix
12: Contract and Payroll
Handouts will be distributed.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some UPC PhD students up to a maximum of 20 attendees.
Oriol Cuatracasas, Associate Professor at UPC
Jesus Alcober, Associate Professor at UPC
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
Registration is open at this link. Fees also cover coffee breaks and lunches.
Course E. Public funding schemes and proposal writing (September 2024)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 27 September 2024, between 9:00 and 13:30
Part 1. European Programmes for R&D&I (1 h)
Why participate in EU RDI programmes
Introduction to Horizon Europe and other Collaborative EU RDI Programmes
European funding opportunities
How to participate in Horizon Europe
Part 2. Success stories (45 min)
Part 3. Preparation of a proposal for a grant contract (1 h 45 min)
Funding and Tenders Portal. Practical exercise
How to read a Work Programme between the lines. Practical exercise
Consortium partner search. Practical exercise
Evaluation & Award Criteria. Practical exercise
Part 4. Wrap up and closing remarks (20 min)
Handouts will be distributed to participants.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some UPC PhD students up to a maximum of 20 attendees.
Jennifer Ruiz Toledo, Team Leader-European Programmes for R&D&I, ACCIÓ
Jordina Pons, Consultant for European Programmes for R&D&I, ACCIÓ
Georgina Padilla Mascarell, R&I Policy & Strategy Manager, i2CAT
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
Based on practical exercises and attendance.
Please register in this link. The course is offered without cost. Coffee break and lunch will be offered by UPC.
Course F. Innovation management and entrepreneurship (May -June 2024)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 28, 29, 30 May (in person), 12 June (online) 2024
Day #1 - 28 May 9:45 to 16:15
Introduction to Technology Asset Management
- Technology Business and Entrepeneurship : The Fractus Case. Overview of Qualcomm (2G-5G), Fraunhoffer-Thomson (MP3) (1h30’)
- Introduction to the Patent & IP System (1h30’)
- Intro to Organization of Technology Corporation & Project Management (2h’)
Day #2 - 29 May 9:45 to 16:15
Patent Management Basics
- Project Planning exercise: a practical example (1h30’)
- Patents in Business : understanding the exclusive nature of the patent right (1h30’)
- The Patent Document: Patent Coding and Dates (1h)
- Patent Content & Structure (1h)
(Homework for Day #3: Read SONY patent on CD player)
Day #3 - 30 May 9:45 to 16:15
Patent Drafting
- The claims in a patent document: scope of protection (1h30')
- Patent Claim Drafting (1h30’)
- Patent Specification Drafting (1h)
- Patent Drafting Exercise: a practical example (1h)
(Project for Day #4: The paper airplane patent competition project )
Day #4 (Online Session) - 12 June
The Patent Competition Review
- Review of the outcome of the Patent Competition project: claim chart analysis and IP competition winners (1h30')
A slide set will be distributed. All participants are requested to intall Microsoft Project in their computers, or alternatively a free version like ‘Project Libre’, ‘OpenProj’ or ‘OpenProject’ . The sessions will be recorded.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some external up to a maximum of 20 attendees.
Dr. Carles Puente, Professor UPC and co-founder of Fractus
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
Based on the outcome of the patent competition project.
Please register in this link. Coffee breaks and lunches will be offered by UPC.
Course D. Standardisation (April 2024)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 9 April 2024, 9:15 to 13:30
1. Introduction to standardization incl. 3GPP, ITU and IETF (0.5 hours)
2. 3GPP Workflow description: Study and Work Items (0.5 hours)
3. 3GPP Technical Specifications and Report Structure (0.5 hours)
4. 3GPP Releases Production (0.5 hours)
5. Hands on 3GPP Meetings and Contributions to 3GPP (2 hours)
The attendees receive the slides in pdf.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some external up to a maximum of 20 attendees.
Dr Alexander Artemenko, BOSCH GmbH, Germany
Short bio: Dr. Alexander Artemenko (male) is a research engineer within the Corporate Sector Research and Advanced Engineering of Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart, Germany. Prior to joining BOSCH in 2015, he was a postdoctoral researcher the Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau), Germany, in the Integrated Communication Systems Group from 2013 to 2015. He received his PhD in engineering from the same university in 2013. In 2012, Dr. Artemenko was a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) in the Network Research group of Professor Mario Gerla. He has been a research associate at the Ilmenau University of Technology from 2011 to 2013, a PhD student at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt from 2008 till 2011, and a DAAD scholarship holder from 2006 to 2008. His recent research activities have focus on development of next generation high reliability and low-latency wireless networks in the context of automotive and Industry 4.0 by combining multiple techniques, which include Integrated Communication and Sensing (ICAS/JCAS/ISAC), localization, multi-access edge computing, serverless and cloud computing, SDN, self-organization and machine learning, WLAN, 4G, 5G, beyond 5G and 6G communication networks. Dr. Artemenko has co-authored more than 50 publications in international conferences, journals and books, has served in the TPC of many conferences, and received best paper awards from relevant conferences.
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
Please register in this link:
No registration fees will be charged to ESR and UPC PhD students. A coffee break will be offered by UPC.
Course d. Resource management and architectures (April 2024)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 007
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 10 April 2024, 9:30 to 13:00
The course will elaborate on existing 3GPP RAN slicing architectures, NFV, and orchestration systems. Focus will be given to the key-service requirements for access networks. In addition, machine-learning techniques will be discussed to leverage an efficient resource orchestration among running slices while guaranteeing agreed service requirements and ensuring slice isolation.
Overview of the network slicing and virtualization operations:
Network slicing: definition and use-cases?
Standard perspective for network slicing
Artificial Intelligence to assist network slicing
AI-based orchestration and control algorithms
Overview of (v)RAN and ORAN-compliant activities:
Definition and use cases
Technical challenges
O-RAN overview
What’s next
Attendants will receive a slide set in a pdf file.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some external up to a maximum of 20 attendees.
Dr Vicenzo Sciancalepore, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
Dr. Andres Garcia-Saavedra, NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
To be defined soon.
Please register in this link:
No registration fees will be charged to ESR and UPC PhD students. Coffee breaks and lunch will be offered by UPC.
Course C. Ethics and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (April 2024)
Campus Nord UPC
Building D5 Room 010, the course will be given online.
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 10 April 2024, 15:30 to 18:30
1. Overview of the Ethics procedures applied by IEEE journals and conferences
- Current regulations in terms of plagiarisms
- Tools utilized to detect cases of plagiarisms
- Evaluation procedures for alleged cases of plagiarisms
- Sanctions for unethical behavior
2. Overview of the General Data Protection Regulation
3. Overview of the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Attendants will receive slides in a pdf file.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some external up to a maximum of 20 attendees. The course will be given online.
Professor Marco Di Renzo, CNRS-Université Parys-Saclay, France
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
Please register in this link:
No registration fees will be charged to ESR and UPC PhD students. A coffee break will be offered by UPC at the end.
Course e. Wireless communications for industry 4.0 (Oct 2023)
Aalborg University
Fibigerstræde 14, room 59
9200 Aalborg Øst, Denmark
Dates: 9-10 October 2023, 9:00 to 16:00 both days
The main contents of the course are the following:
- Introduction to Industry 4.0 vision and challenges, relevant industrial production use cases and associated communication requirements (considering the multiple levels of the automation pyramid, from MES connectivity to fast closed loop control at sensor/actuator level) also including new use cases that can only be enabled via wireless communication (e.g., robots fleets or swarms).
- From theory to practice: experimental verification of wireless technologies potential in a real industrial setup including FESTO production lines and robot fleets, located in the 5G Smart Production Lab.
The material will mainly consist in recommended readings plus slides. Slides will be made available before the start of the course.
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project plus some external up to a maximum of 30 attendees.
Professor Ole Madsen, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Postdoc Melisa Maria Lopez Lechuga, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Associate professor Gilberto Berardinelli, Aalborg University, Denmark.
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers.
It will consist of an assignment and a (group) presentation to be given within one month from the end of the course.
Please register before September 18:
There is no fee for academic PhD students. For industrial PhD students, a fee may apply. Further information will be provided asap.
Course B. Preparation of the PhD thesis manuscript (Jun 2023)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, Building D5, room 007
Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 14 June 2023, 9:30-11:30
1. Before you start writing...
1.1. Bibliography
1.2. Regulations in UPC
2. Writing the manuscript
2.1. Structure
2.2. Putting your name on the manuscript
3. Article based- thesis
3.1. Author’s rights
3.2. Publisher copyright
3.3. Examples of incorporating text from a paper
4. Publication
4.1. Author’s rights
4.2. Creative Commons licences
4.3. Institutional repositories for thesis
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project. Additional seats will be opened for UPC doctoral students under a first-come-first serve basis.
Ruth Iñigo
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
A registration fee of 60 € will be charged to non-UPC PhD students. A refreshment will be served.
Course B. Scientific writing (Feb 2023)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, Building D5, room 007
Barcelona, Spain
Seminar 1. Information search and information resources for doctoral students
Dates: 20 February 2023, 9:30-11:30
1. How to structure your information search?
2. Search strategy process in 7 steps
3. Where to search?
3.1. How to improve our search on Google
3.2. Databases
3.2.1. Inspec
3.2.2. Web of Science
3.2.3. Scopus
4. Tools in WoS & Scopus to help you to select information
5. States of the art and reviews
6. Other information resources
Seminar 2. Scientific publising
Dates: 20 February 2023, 12:00-14:00
1. Scientific publishing
1.1 Publishing strategies
1.2 Intellectual property and open access
1.3 Journal impact analysis tools
1.3.1 Tools and tips for journal selection
1.3.2 Predatory journals
2. Writing the paper
2.1 Types of papers
2.2 Empirical or research papers
2.3 Structure of an article
2.4 How to write a good abstract
2.5 Cover letter
2.6 Peer review
3. Promoting the visibility of your paper
Seminar 3. Citations and reference managers
Dates: 22 February 2023, 10:00 - 12:00
1. Citing and citations
1.1 What to cite? How to cite?
1.2 Citation and self- citation rates
2. Reference management software: Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote
2.1 Add references and documents
2.2 Organize your reference library
2.3 Create in-text citations and bibliographies
2.4 Downloads and tutorials
2.5 Comparisons between tools
3. Quick citation tools
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project. Additional seats will be opened for UPC doctoral students under a first-come-first serve basis.
Ruth Iñigo
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
A registration fee of 60 € per seminar (180 €) will be charged to non-UPC PhD students. Coffee breaks will be served.
Course B. English communication skills (Feb 2023)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, Building D5, room 007 (morning) and 010 (afternoon)
Barcelona, Spain
Dates: 23 February 2023, 9:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 18:00.
The main main aim of this course is to improve the presentation skills of doctoral students in English:
• To teach the language of presentations and lecturing in English
• To improve fluency and confidence in presenting in English
• To improve academic vocabulary
• To give individual feedback on presentation skills and language
• The course will involve listening to live and recorded presentations, noting ideas, information, structure and language.
• Participants will work on pronunciation and intonation in English.
• Participants will prepare and give their own presentation.
• Participants will give and receive feedback on presentations, inclusing extensive individual feedback.
Presentation skills: how to make a presentation interesting
Linguistic structures and vocabulary for organising presentations
Pronunciation and intonation of academic vocabulary
Presentation delivery: using the voice
Giving and receiving feedback
Participants should have an intermediate level of English (B2 and above). This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project. Two additional seats will be opened for UPC doctoral students under a first-come-first serve basis.
Debbie Owen, Institute of Educational Sciences, UPC
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
No registration fees will be charged to ESR and UPC PhD students. A coffee break will be served.
Course A. Open science and research data management (Oct 2022)
21 October 2022, from 9:30 to 12:00 (CET)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, Building D5, room 007
Barcelona, Spain
This 2 h course provides an overview of what is Open Access to publications and research data, and how to elaborate and use a Data Management Plan.
1. Open Access and Open Science
2. Open Access in EC Projects: requirements for H2020 and Horizon Europe Projects
3. Publishing papers in open access
3.1. Models of open access (gold, green, bronze) and publishing models (open and hybrid)
3.2. Preprints, postprints and final versions
3.3. Licensing
3.4. Transformative agreements between publishers/academic institutions
3.5. Open access repositories compliant with H2020 and HE projects
3.6. Preprint servers
3.7. Academic social networks
4. Research data management
4.1. Data curation
4.2. Data management plan: scheme
· Data summary
· FAIR data (Findable; Accessible; Interoperable, Reusable)
· Allocation of resources
· Data security
· Ethical aspects
· Licensing
4.3. Data management plan: tools
4.4. Open access data repositories compliant with H2020 and HE projects
· DOIs
· README files
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project. Additional seats will be opened for UPC doctoral students under a first-come-first serve basis.
Ruth Iñigo
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
A registration fee of 50 € will be charged to non-UPC PhD students. A coffee break will be served.
Course b. Radio planning and network simulation (Oct 2022)
18 October 2022, from 9:00 to 17:30 (CET)
19 October 2022, from 9:00 to 12:00 (CET)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, Building D5, Room 007
Barcelona, Spain
The course covers several aspects of the wireless network simulation, mostly focused the Link and Physical layers of the 5G mobile communication standard. The course will expose the main principles of system-level simulators, radio propagation models, and radio planning tools.
1 System level simulation 2 h
2 Propagation channel modelling 2 h
3 Radio planning 2 h
4 Practical exercises on 5G radio planning 3 h
This course is appropriate for all ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project, in particular those without background on radio planning and network simulation. Four additional seats will be opened for doctoral students outside the project under a first-come-first serve basis.
Yoann Corre
Bio: Yoann Corre is wireless CTO at SIRADEL, France. He received his Engineering degree from INSA Rennes (France) and his MSc from UCL (London, UK) in 1999. At SIRADEL since 2000, he has been working on radio-wave propagation modelling, mostly based on physical approaches (ray-tracing), and has contributed to the elaboration of the Volcano channel model. He is today leading the research activities related to 5G/6G channel modelling (massive MIMO, mmWave, THz), planning and optimization of new generation networks (5G, FWA, IAB, ...). He was involved in several European collaborative research projects related to digital TV, heterogeneous networks, 5G simulation, or electromagnetic field exposure. He recently coordinated the ANR-BRAVE project aiming at the definition of a new subTHz physical layer.
Klaus Pedersen
Nokia Bell Labs,
Bio: Klaus I. Pedersen received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. He is a Bell Labs Fellow at Nokia, currently leading the Radio Access Research Team in Aalborg, and a part-time External Professor at Aalborg University. He has authored publications on a wide range of topics, as well as an inventor on several patents. His current research interests include access protocols and radio resource management enhancements for 5G New Radio and its evolution to 5G-Advanced. He has extensive experience on realistic dynamic system-level performance analysis and related modeling aspects.
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
No registration fees will be charged, including coffee-breaks and one lunch per person. The travel costs will be covered by the attendees.
Course c. Foundations of robotics (Jul 2022)
13 - 14 July 2022
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Av. Diagonal 647 (ETSEIB), Barcelona, Spain
1 Introduction to robotics 2,5 h
2 Perception 2,5 h
3 Robot Operating System – ROS theory 3 h
4 Robot Operating System – ROS practice on computers 3 h
The course is mainly oriented to the ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project without background on robotics, perception and ROS. 10 seats will be opened for doctoral students outside the 5GSMARTFACT project under a first-come-first serve basis.
Prof. Jan Rosell
Affiliation: UPC
Biography: Jan Rosell received the BS degree in Telecomunication Engineering and the PhD degree in Advanced Automation and Robotics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1989 and 1998, respectively. He joined the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC) in 1992 where he has developed research activities in robotics. He has been involved in teaching activities in Automatic Control and Robotics as Assistant Professor since 1996 and as Associate Professor since 2001. His current technical areas include task and motion planning, mobile manipulation, and robot co-workers.
Dr. Michael Suppa
Affiliation: ROBOCEPTION GmbH and University of Bremen,
Biography: Dr. Michael Suppa is the co-founder and CEO of Roboception GmbH, a Munich-based start-up company providing comprehensive 3D perception solutions for robotic applications. Michael received his Master’s Degree in 2000 and his Doctoral Degree in 2007 from the University of Hannover, Germany. From 2000 until 2009, he was employed as a project manager and researcher at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). In 2009, he was appointed Head of the Perception and Cognition Department at the same institute, and in 2014 he was additionally nominated Deputy Institute Director. In 2015, Michael co-founded Roboception, a DLR spin-off company. Michael is key research topic is perception-driven appliedAI. He has been the PI in several European and national projects and was nominated for and received several best paper awards. He is a professor at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Bremen.
The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course.
No registration fees will be charged, including coffee-breaks and lunches.
Course a. Mathematical tools - Spring School (Apr 2022)
5 - 8 April 2022